Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 5 - Rocks, Roots & Ladders, Oh My!!

Doune Bothy camping shelter

Inversnaid to Invoranan - 7 miles

After spending the evening getting to know a few of the other
bunkhouse guests, we readied for what should have been a short hiking
day. Of notable interest, was a man named Pat Hobbs. He was on a hike
from Lands End to John O Grots, which is the furthest headlands of
mainland Scotland. This is 1000 miles! He was on day 49 the day we
met him! So in the morning we headed out to Invoranan, where our goal
for this day was the Drover's Inn. At 7 miles, it should have been a
fairly short easy walk. However, the terrain was very uneven, rocky
and steep. We had to make our way along a trail of rocks, which then
turned into steep steps. There were ladders to climb and mud holes to
wade through. It took hours to accomplish this! We didn't make it in
to the Drovers Inn until 3:30. A big difference considering the day
before was the same distance and we made it by 2:00! Footsore and
tired we opted for a shower and a nap before heading to dinner. The
Drover's Inn and Pub was established in 1705 and was a way point stop
for Scotsmen herding cattle. Hence, the name. It still looks a lot
like it did back then. Dinner was next to a coal fire. Only the tour
bus outside told us we were in present time. Yes, it was a little
obnoxious to see it there. The only complaint we had was the beds. I
do believe they have been there since 1705 as well! We took our time
in the morning as the room was finally large enough to reorganize our
bags. For the past several days before that, we had been in rooms so
small we had to move around and dress in shifts. After a full Scottish
breakfast, we headed out for Cranlarich. More on this later!


  1. You keep referring to a Scottish breakfast, what is a Scottish breakfast?

  2. A Scotitish breakfast consists of the following: one egg, bacon, sausage, baked beans, potatoes or a potato scone, which sort of tastes like a pancake, a fried or cooked tomato, toast, coffee or tea and juice. Oh, and black pudding. It sounds kind of gross, but it is almost all protein and we can go further on the hike on this than on other high carb stuff. I refuse to eat the black pudding. And if you don't know what it is, it is congealed pigs blood, made into a sausage. Looks something eerily similar to something the cat leaves on the door mat. No thanks!! Btw, your sister eats it!!!!

  3. Not surprised, she eats the stuff the cat leaves also.
